Summer Avocado Tomato Pasta Salad
Lately the weather in Tokyo has been unbelievably hot and humid. Though uncomfortable to stay in the city with this weather, it got me in the mood to make my fun avocado tomato pasta salad (a favorite at home).
It’s a great summer dish that’s quick, very healthy, and just looks like a “happy” dish.
2 cups pasta
2 ripe avocado
cherry tomatoes (as many as you like)
1-2 tbs white vinegar (balsamic also works well)
2-3 tbs dried basil or dry herb mix
salt and pepper to taste
other options: parmesan cheese or paprika powder
Cook the pasta to desired tenderness and run under cool water to stop cooking process, then strain well.
In a large bowl, scoop one of the avocado (preferably the softest one) and add vinegar.
Smush it with a fork until creamy (slightly lumpy is good too!).
Cube the second avocado and cut the cherry tomatoes (10-20) in half. Add to the creamy avocado.
Now, add the pasta with the dry herbs, toss well. Finally, add salt and pepper to desired taste.
At this point, you may add more vinegar to add a bit of a sour flavor to compliment the sweet tomatoes and creamy avocado.
You should also try adding other vegetables, like bell peppers or green beans to change the flavors.
Bunny Ear Fashion Trend
Young girls in Tokyo have the kind of fashion that always makes you wonder. With the fast-changing trends and unusual concepts, there’s always something out there to see and document.
This newest piece was first noticed a few months ago and has now gone into a full-blown fashion trend in Tokyo.
There are a couple of possible reasons for this trend, but I just can’t understand the “bunny ear” bows sticking straight up from your head.
Here is one example, though nowhere near the other bows that litterally stick up like horns -will try to find a snapshot for you soon.
I’d love to hear your take on this trend -is it cute or is it odd?
Simple Envelope Decorations with Fun Tape
I love fun tape because it’s……well….. just so fun to use.
The easiest thing I use it for is creating borders on pretty much anything I want to decorate. Here’s one example of using fun decorative tape to dress up plain envelopes:
In my box filled with plain envelopes, I managed to find two that matched the sakura fun tape that I chose.
All I did was outline parts of the envelope that I wanted and cut off the excess from the sides.
To make it interesting on both sides, I just added a strip to the envelope flap.
You can fold the tape over to create a border both inside and out, but I just taped to the edge and trimmed the ends.
I also made a cute faux stamp with a bit of tape on Japanese weaved tissue paper.
Very simple! Try it next time you have a letter or card for someone.
Sewing Fun
Enjoying my new sewing machine (that I got as a Birthday present!). Going through all of my fabric and old clothing to see what I can make.
Since it’s so hot and humid in Tokyo, I’ve decided to make fun summer dresses…..let’s see how they turn out.
I’ll post pictures of my project -both successful and failed.
Birthday Week Complete
For the last several months, all I have been doing is work, work, work, with not a day off in sight, so I decided to celebrate my Birthday over a week and just have a fun and relaxing time.
A couple days ago, me and my sweetheart decided to check out a large Sea Attraction away from Tokyo, to get out of the city, enjoy a long drive and enjoy nature and animals at the same time.
Here are some pictures to share with you:
Yes…. that’s me lost in my own world…
It was a little sad with this big beluga….she was all alone in one simple tank.
This cute seal was fast asleep sitting up in the tank – but I just loved the sweet little smile.
The silver waves of fish are always beautiful to watch…
….and the playful beluga with its trainer.
Wonderfully fun time. Definitely rejuvenated me for work to come!